What you can expect


What our employees can expect from us

Professionalism in management

The RUAG International management staff members are professional, respectful, open, and bold.

RUAG International ensures a unified understanding of leadership and a shared cultural basis for its leadership, in order to enable effective management and to make teamwork easier.

RUAG International creates leadership programmes for all divisions and units; these programmes further develop specialist knowledge and soft skills for management at all levels.


Training and knowledge

RUAG International supports the continuing development of its staff members.

RUAG International provides central and internationally certified training courses.

RUAG International sustainably invests in the internal further development of staff members in theform of different career models, thereby increasing their employability and marketability.


Equal opportunity and freedom from discrimination

RUAG International offers all staff members the same opportunities.

RUAG International guarantees equality of opportunity for all stakeholders.

RUAG International supports an integrated culture and will not stand for any discrimination on the basis of age, ethnic origin, ideology, religion, skin colour, nationality, political or other convictions, gender, sexual orientation, physical condition, civil status, or membership of employee representative bodies.

RUAG International expects all staff members to behave respectfully to each other, regardless of cultural differences or varying personal beliefs.


Fairness in payment

RUAG International pays salaries in line with the market, and based on performance.

RUAG International ensures that all salaries comply with the appropriate national legal requirements or industry standards.

RUAG International ensures that salaries honour the performance of staff members and are explained in regular feedback sessions.

Via Integrity@RUAGRUAG International ensures that the incentive schemes do not undermine the commitment of RUAG International against bribery & corruption.

Incentives do therefore go beyond exclusively profit-driven targets and do always also include a range of performance-based elements.

Financial performance-based incentives are awarded based on a proportion of the employee's salary and not on a proportion of a particular contract for the sales of RUAG International products.

Health and safety

The health and safety of its staff is a central concern of RUAG International.

RUAG International has a group-wide industrial health management system to ensure working conditions which encourage and maintain good health.

RUAG International makes country-specific solutions for social counselling available to its staff members.


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